
Achieve Oxfordshire Programme Recommissioned 

Achieve Oxfordshire's Healthy Weight Loss programme is to continue with an enhanced service across Oxfordshire, enabling it to support even more people across the county to make significant long-term changes to their health and wellbeing.

Figures released last year by Oxfordshire County Council revealed that 56% of Oxfordshire's adults - around 385,000 residents – could be overweight or obese based on their body mass index (BMI).

Oxfordshire County Council has now recommissioned healthy lifestyle provider, Thrive Tribe, to deliver the preventative healthy weight service. Achieve Healthy Weight Loss Oxfordshire is an innovative weight loss service that makes it easier for people on their weight loss journey. Its new virtual gym, The Other Room, is one example of how it has innovated its programme offering, making it easier for everyone to get active from home.

Achieve Oxfordshire has streamlined and expanded its digital offer by launching a new website. A full range of practical resources is now available to everyone, covering topics like nutrition, exercise and wellbeing. For professionals in healthcare, there is a training platform with practical videos, articles and guidance in starting conversations about healthy adult weight loss. 

"Residents in Oxfordshire who meet the criteria for the service, will have free access to practitioners with proven experience and track record in helping people to lose weight and keep it off," explains Hannah Pearce, Head of Service for Achieve Oxfordshire.

"Our practitioners take time to understand the challenges and work with people to break down the barriers when trying to eat well and move more. We help people maintain motivation to reach their goal, by taking a one size doesn't fit all approach, and look at how we can meet the needs of individuals."

The bespoke offering for people who live in Oxfordshire is reflected in a range of free weight loss programmes available including, WW, Slimming World, Lose Weight with Achieve and MAN v FAT Football- the league that rewards players not just for winning games, but also for losing weight. 

Jannette Smith, Health Improvement Lead for Oxfordshire County Council, said, "Achieve Oxfordshire offers a range of choices for residents to help them find what works for them to lose weight. Providing face to face, over the phone and online/virtual options is important so people can decide how they want to receive support.

We have recently been reminded of the importance of staying fit and healthy in fighting diseases such as COVID-19. Thrive Tribe has a track record of helping people across Oxfordshire to achieve a healthy weight and develop good lifestyle habits that people want to keep up. We are proud to support the process of more people in the county, making small changes to their health that lead to a longer, and healthier, life." 


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