Client Experiences
My lifestyle was busy and I often ate more than I needed to as a reaction to being stressed.
How I felt in my clothes was my motivation as I simply wasn't going to buy bigger clothes as apart from being an expensive exercise, I simply just wasn't going to allow myself to get to another bigger number!
My physiotherapist told me about the Achieve FREE weight loss programmes at one of my sessions.
During the first few weeks my progress was slow as I adjusted to the programme. However, once my appetite adjusted from my usual diet to eating more 'free' foods I started to lose weight each week. During the 12 weeks at Slimming World, I did gain once and in total I have lost 1st 1lb so far.
Most definitely! My overall health has improved as I feel better in myself and not so sluggish anymore. This is especially noticeable when doing everyday things like climbing the stairs at work and home.
I felt a sense of belonging as the programme allows you to talk openly about eating too much or the wrong things. The programme provided me with the tools to change that for life. I make so many better choices now but still allow myself the occasional treat but in moderation.
All of my friends and family were supporting me through the 12 weeks. A couple of my friends have since joined in too which is great!
Most definitely! I have already signed up at Slimming World for more classes!
Be true to yourself as only you can make the change. I do believe that when you have your head and mind in the right place, anything is achievable when you have a good support network!